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Fast Flowing Waters and the Aquarian Perspective

As the year progresses we are encountering the challenge of change. Such change is manifesting at all levels, for example: At a physical level not only our bodies are experiencing the pressure of new energies but the network that once was taken for granted is transforming. People, shops, train routes, time tables, jobs, finances...all those things that took so long to establish, seem to be either changing or disappearing all together. Emotionally, many people are feeling quite anxious or trapped, which is putting pressure on relationships, jobs, family etc. Intellectually the ideas that were so much cherished do not seem to offer the same level of comfort. Some have told me that they feel as is the rug has been pulled from under their feet. At a Soul or Astral level, the Aquarians have already indicated that this year is a year of transformation for the astral body. The old has to go because it has not served us. The pyramidal structures have failed to bring us harmony, peace and prosperity for all, hence we are learning as a collective that other more balanced solutions have to be found. Because our sense of being trickles down from the Astral, having the Astral transformed can be bewildering when unprepared. Many people are feeling disconnected and hopeless in things moment. Thousands of years of turning against nature have left humanity ill prepared for this time of change. Hence the Aquarians have suggested that I revisit the subject of Nature. The Sidhe (Fairies) have given me the real name of Earth, it is not Gaia, it is Ensidhe. She is the mother of everything. After all, she has created everything we have and the body we have. For all the blown out of proportion human "creations" that one can analyze, one has to admit that the only claim humans can make is of a "part" creation. All the raw materials that are being used in science come from Ensidhe. Yes they have been "synthesized" and recreated...with more raw materials from Ensidhe. Plastic is not created out of thin air, it is created from fossil fuels derivatives or corn for example. Hence nothing that we have is truly ours, all is taken from Nature. Yet Ensidhe endures and offers us her love, she is waiting for us to come back to her. To share the load and re-learn how to live a fun life which is in harmony with her and the rest of the web of life. Hence the Aquarians and the Sidhe encourage us to visit nature, for Ensidhe can bring us great comfort in these times of transition. And if the prospect of going back to nature seem to be too daunting there is help. It has been suggested to me that I should offer my expertise as Eco-Therapist to those that feel inclined to take it and compensate me for my time (we all have to make a living at least for now) What I am offering is going with you to places of nature, introduce you to a tree, guide you on a journey or re-kindling (some people call it initiation). This experience will give you a sense of belonging that can developed by yourself or with support into understanding what trust truly is and why change is good.

This blog was posted in Celtic Oracle Crystal Healing but we have now moved all the Aquarian blogs here.

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