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Equinox Message

Dear family and friends

We have observed with interest through our secretary all the developments of your society.

Still can't quite understand why people are choosing to make such tangled up decisions and put their trust on ideas that do not have reason or wisdom.

We are aware of your despair and desire to leave the planet you inhabit because you do not see clearly the way ahead.

We want to tell you that your bodies can not live in another planet. Nor your souls can be transferred to other planets that do not match your patterns.

While many of you feel trapped the good news is the "trap" is your own mind.

By believing mistaken ideas humans have perpetuated generation after generation the same fears, the same rulers and the same mistakes. All these can be changed by your choosing.

Your rulers will have their just payback as the rule of balanced interchange of energy establishes but, it is time you realize that you have rulers because you as a collective have not quite chosen to take responsibility for yourselves.

You can be self responsible at any time you choose and your life will be transformed beyond recognition for the better.

What you see in your world is your collective choice.

If you are here is because you have the pattern that corresponds to this reality. In the cosmos there is no injustice. People experience what they attract to their experience by their own way of thinking.

It is the way of thinking that has to be changed all together if you want to resonate with paradise on Earth for Earth is already a paradise. Otherwise you will continue to be in a loop of your own creation.

As individual you do not need to change the reality others choose to live. You can switch from a bad reality to a good reality in the same planet as soon as you change individually the way you think, feel and act. All is linked this way.

So, if you feel disempowered going to another reality will not serve you for you will feel disempowered there too. If you are experiencing lack you will experience lack in any reality because lack is an idea not a reality.

It is your choice. You will achieve better results by investing your time in knowing yourself internally and changing that you do not want in your reality anymore.

We are supporting your changing in this moment as the energy of the Aquarian shift of the ages penetrates the whole of the Milky Way. We will continue to support you for the next 3 and a half years.

A shift of the ages is a shift of grand cycle. A change of direction.

The concept of a golden age free for all is mistaken. There is no free for all but there is fairness, you get what you ask for according to your deeds. Thus if you are afraid you will be finding patterns that confirm your fear. If you are happy you will be finding happiness along your way.

It is not only what you think but what you feel and do or not do. It is all part of the energy you put out as a human magnet.

The Sidhe gave you Humanity's Real History and the three rules of Magic. It is important that you read this because it will help you to realign the way you think and give you a frame work to correct the way you have been living.

Paradise on Earth is at your grasp. You can use the techniques we have given to help yourself attune.

In the meantime we think you may benefit from focusing on the beauty of your planet and being grateful for what she gives you.

May you all be Blessed and find joy in this coming Equinox.

The Aquarian Elven

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