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Ascension Symptoms

Dear family and friends, we have been asked about ascension symptoms. First we want to clarify that "ascension" is a flawed concept but we will elaborate in another post in the future. (this was posted originally at the Celtic Oracle Crystal Healing Blog)

There is so much talk about symptoms. What most people are experiencing is the side effects of ecocide. This includes toxicity created by bad food, too much electronic use, micro waves, chemical spraying in the skies and blasting away protons.

As you can see, all these are human creations which you are participating because at some point or other you gave your power away to others. Be it by direct choosing or by ignoring and choosing to not see what is being done to nature.

All what you do has consequences. Such consequences can be positive or negative depending on whether your energy is in balance or you are taking too much energy from the web of life.

There is no such a thing as "free for all". The web of life could not exist if all beings take too much. You are entitled to take what you need and give in equal way back to the web of life. If you are not giving back in equal proportion you will be feeling in your body all sorts of unpleasant feelings.

The list is long but from general malaise to feeling extremely tired is cause by your own inability to connect to the new frequencies that are coming from Aquarius.

You seen in the past humans have abused the web of life. Now such abuse has been ended. In order to reach to the level of prana a person has to be in harmony with the web of life.

That means that people have to accept that they are not the core of creation, just one small part. They have to accept that even the smallest particle has free will. Thus humans have no right to take anything without the consent of the particle, plant, animal or mineral kingdoms.

If you are taking thinking that money is payment enough you are mistaken. Not only you need to give back, you have to ask for permission and sense whether such part of the web of life wants to co create with you or not.

If you are taking without permission you will be suffering and feeling it at all levels. From profound grief to pains, aches, dizziness, tiredness and so on.

Do not deceive yourself thinking that you do not have to make a sincere effort to clean up your act and attune to the web of life in order to be able to transcend the age of Pisces and be promoted to the new grand cycle in Aquarius.

No one that have not harmonized with the web of life will be able to do so.

This is not happening because we say so. This is happening because the whole of the Milky way is going up one turn of the spiral. Either you are in the right frequency or shall we say you will be experiencing the symptoms of your own demise.

We are observing the developments in Earth and we are profoundly saddened by the materialism and egotism that is endemic in your society.

We have only find the few that by comparison have chosen to be in harmony with all life.

If your intention is to progress in your spiritual integration and awakening rather than calling it a day, we urge you to work in harmony with nature.

Until the next time

The Aquarian Elven

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