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Aura issues in a time of change

Many asked me why the Aquarian Elven are talking about the state of the individual human auric field and why there is the need for DNA healing in this time.

The Aquarian Elven said this

1) Why is DNA healing necessary?

Because human DNA has been genetically changed in different times. The genetic modification of the DNA has created 4 different bodies of different densities that coexist but don't communicate properly or harmonize thus there is always conflict within humans.

It is common for a person to have a hard time deciding what is best. One moment they want one thing, the other something totally opposite. That is not logical as beings normally have coherence of purpose and clarity regarding what is going to help them achieving the ultimate goal of consciousness expansion.

The purpose of consciousness expansion has been called in your world "ascension" but the term ascension does not describe accurately what the expansion of consciousness entail.

The most steady way of expanding consciousness is by acquiring universal wisdom. In your world there are so many competing ideas that most of the efforts people are doing are directed towards trying to elucidate what is of value and what it is not.

People do put a lot of effort, and energy (money) into pursuing what ultimately are dead ends.

This happens because the four bodies compete with their own different fragmented memory thus consciousness is trapped in the midsts of such chaos.

DNA healing is not the same as what you call "activation" but the term has been used to denote a familiar way of communicating. DNA healing entails reconnecting parts of the DNA that are intangible to sciences.

Each body has DNA but different resonance which makes them invisible to the physical eyes and man made machines.

Yet the seer perceives them.

True healing can not happen if all the bodies are not connected. Presently there is a lot of junk DNA or disconnected DNA in your system which is why most struggle to connect to the web of life where all the information can be attained. Without being connected to the web of life, like the natural kingdoms are, you are at a lost, just like a ship in a storm.

2) The Auric field

The auric field or bubble, also called soul envelope is not the same as soul or consciousness.

There are many reasons why the auric field or soul envelope is diseased presently. Some are human causes which most of you aware people are already informed about but, there is another reason which is cosmic and you are not aware off because you are disconnected from the web of life who would have informed you.

This second reason is the diminished activity of the Sun.

When the sun lowers its activity the magnetosphere of your planet, or in other words, the shield that filters cosmic rays that are not coherent with your make up weakens.

When the magnetosphere weakens your aura weakens. That would not be a problem if you were in harmony and cohesion with yourself and the web of life but, presently you are not.

This means that you are being affected more, some call this sensitivity and indeed it is a sensitivity.

This is the reason we have given the exercises that come in the same package as the book "Humanity's Real History and first Aquarian activation"!books/cnec

Such techniques are simple but thoughtfully put together to assist you in this times and to connect you eventually within the course of this three and a half years of your time to the web of life.

As usual our mission is to inform and provide the solutions which we are doing. It is up to you to decided which path to take.

Consciousness never dies.

The growth of your consciousness to maturity, to becoming part of the active creative cosmos is a personal choice. No one has to do anything.

When consciousness does not mature at the end of a cycle it gets taken back to its original form, like reformatting a computer but much more sophisticated. After reformatting others like us, the Aquarian Elven, will take from the pool of raw consciousness to design other creations.

When consciousness matures, it goes into a further level of consciousness expansion. It is not that it goes necessarily somewhere else. Resonances coexists in the same space without interfering with each other. There are no doors, stargates, or magic tricks; the doors of consciousness are always open to the right resonances.

Your planet Earth or EnSidhe (her real name) has finished her cycle as school planet. She has had a good run and in the next cycle only certain Resonances (you call the frequencies) will be held on her. Such resonance will not have scope for destruction and war.

She and the Solar system are going to be travelling closer to the core of the Milky way. Thus it is necessary they are less corporeal.

In order to be able to hold the resonance EnSidhe is now emitting, you need to heal and amplify your aura.

If you do not wish to continue on EnSidhe is ok, It is your decision. It is a very special opportunity though to go up in resonance with a planet. This has nothing to do with the Schumann resonance. This is resonance beyond physicality.

Whatever you decide does not affect us the Aquarian Elven, the Sidhe, or ultimately creation itself.

Like your own body when it gets ill, the Cosmos have mechanisms to correct error, or disease as you call it.


The Aquarian Elven

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